At the Institute for Trauma and Healing

We Understand

We Understand

Treatment can be specifically tailored to the needs of the individual. Possible options of treatment include multiple hour sessions and/or multiple clinicians present during the treatment process.

We understand the importance of having a strong support team. We encourage individuals to include any family or friends in their treatment that may help with feelings of safety, strength, and to help individuals feel less alone.

MISSION STATEMENT: The Institute for Trauma and Healing supports individuals in exploring, restructuring, and redefining their traumatic beliefs freeing them from the constraints of their trauma and allowing the development of a life with improved happiness and success.

Definition of Trauma

Psychological trauma does not only result from a traumatic experience, but rather how one makes sense of that experience. A change in beliefs or self-perception becomes the lens in which we see ourselves and the world around us. When that lens is based in pain, our world view becomes skewed and this reinforces the emotional distress we have come to know as trauma. Using a unique blend of evidence based techniques, our model has been found to be effective with individuals who may have not responded well to more traditional forms of talk therapy. By focusing on the core beliefs of trauma we have found that the trauma itself can be processed both quickly and successfully.

Types of Trauma

"Single incident trauma" is a one-time event that has a severe, negative emotional impact. This could be a global event ( large disaster, 9/11) or of a more personal nature (sexual assault I car accident).

"Repetitive" trauma is when there is the receiving of a negative or conflictual message on an on-going basis that reduces your sense of value or safety, by someone who is important to you.

Both forms of trauma can be extremely destructive.

Utilizing methods such as:

Exploring the Trauma Narrative:

Helping clients better understand their trauma and looking at the messages that they took away from the trauma though feelings, thoughts and sensations.

Cognitive Restructuring:

Helping people identify, challenge and alter stress -inducing thought patterns and beliefs so that the individual can begin to integrate reality as it relates to their belief systems.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR):

An evidence-based model that addresses the triggers associated with memories of traumatic events through bilateral stimulation while lessening their impact on the individual.



Meet Our Team

Ken Frohock, LMHC,LRC
Trauma Therapist
Ken is the director of the Institute for Trauma and Healing. He...
Christine Piltzecker, MA/CAGS
Trauma Therapist
Mrs. Piltzecker has a Master's Degree and a Certificate of Advanced Graduate...
Jen Kelleher
Office Manager
Jen Kelleher has worked in the human services field for the past...
Annie and Treman
Certified Therapy Dogs- Team Members
Trained and insured therapy dogs, Annie and Treman have worked with individuals...
Feel free to contact us

Get in Touch

Phone: 508-799-6306
Fax: 508-799-6935
51 Union Street, Suite 101
Worcester, MA 01608
Please use the form below.
